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NAAS Journal
International Journal of Advanced Chemistry Research

Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A (2021)

Litter dynamics of mango trees grown in different shrink-swell soil series of Maharashtra


NP Navnage, AL Pharande, AD Kadlag and SP Bainade


An experiment was conducted at central campus of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri to study the dynamics of monthly litter fall biomass and its chemical composition and nutrient return to soil were study under of mango trees under different soil series of Maharashtra. The result showed that higher quantity of liter biomass was produced in mango plantation under medium deep soil (Sawargaon soil series) over different soil series. Among mango plantation under different soil series, highest content of nutrients i.e. NPK and carbon was recorded in Sawargaon soil series as compare to other soil series. Maximum amount of nutrient return to soil through soil was recorded in mango plantation under medium deep soil over shallow and deep soil. On another hand carbon and nitrogen are most important of many element required for microbial decomposition of organic matter. The result revealed that numerically optimum C:N ratio (31.68) was recorded in litter leaf fall of mango plant under Sawargaon soil series as compare to other series.

Pages: 38-42  |  698 Views  162 Downloads

International Journal of Advanced Chemistry Research
How to cite this article:
NP Navnage, AL Pharande, AD Kadlag and SP Bainade. Litter dynamics of mango trees grown in different shrink-swell soil series of Maharashtra. Int. J. Adv. Chem. Res. 2021;3(1):38-42. DOI: 10.33545/26646781.2021.v3.i1a.68
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