Vaishnavi B, Mallikarjun G Awati, SL Jagadeesh, HP Hadimani, Rudresh DL and YS Mahesh
Banana being a climacteric fruit have a very short shelf life. The extension of fruit shelf life is an important goal to be attained. One such natural method of extending post-harvest shelf life of fruits is the use of the formulated edible coatings of natural plant extracts. Natural coatings have long been known to protect perishable food products from deterioration by retarding dehydration, suppressing respiration, improving textural quality, helping retain volatile flavour compounds, and reducing microbial growth. Recently, the uses of plant-based products have been started in fresh fruits and vegetables as bio-preservatives. Aloe-vera gel is one of the promising bio-preservative, which has a great potential to become a common use for most fresh fruits and vegetables. Starch is the storage polysaccharide found in legumes, cereals, and tubers vegetables, like potato, cassava, corn, rice, banana etc. It is a good barrier to oxygen transmission but poor to water vapour. The presence of turmeric extract added to edible film can function as an antioxidant due to the presence of curcumin. Banana peel can be used as a potential source to preserve banana with extended shelf stability and reduce microbial growth. Pomegranate peel has antifungal and antibacterial property which provides a defensive barrier against microbial contamination of fruits and vegetables the effect of essential oils and their constituents reduce post-harvest diseases of horticultural products and fruits. Among different treatments, the highest phenol content and lowest microbial count, disease score and disease index was recorded in T2 (Aloe-vera gel (20%) respectively.
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